What age category applies to you?
Are you a person with a disability?
How well do you think the City of Welland is doing in terms of accessibility? Please rank with 1=poor to 10=great.
Barriers make it difficult for people with disabilities to access municipal services as easily as people without disabilities. For example, barriers can be physical, attitudinal, digital, or communicational.
Can you access information and services at the City of Welland?
Can you access information and services on the City of Welland website?
Can you access City of Welland facilities?
Which methods of communication can you access without barriers? Select all that apply.
What barriers do you experience?
What can the City of Welland do to eliminate these barriers? Select all that apply.
Awareness of the City of Welland's initiatives
In this section you will be asked to indicate how aware you are of the City of Welland's Initiatives.
The City of Welland Accessibility Policy
Accessibility features on the City of Welland website
Accessibility features on buses
Availability of specialized buses
Accessibility features in buildings for wheelchair users
Accessibility features in buildings for people with hearing disabilities
Accessibility features in buildings for people with visual disabilities
Accessibility features in buildings for people with mobility related disabilities
Accessibility features in buildings for people with intellectual/developmental disabilities
Accessibility features in buildings for people with neurodivergent disabilities
Which feedback methods are you familiar with? Select all that apply.