Welland's Recreation Corridor
Consultation has concluded

The Recreational Corridor (WRC) is a new interactive approach to linking people to public places. There's an array of activities to keep people moving and discovering new challenges. The Recreation Corridor provides users with beautiful trails, parks, and city-owned public spaces that have been supplied with Quick Response (QR) Code signage. There are eight designated areas with QR Code signs that are easy to scan and find relevant information on what interests you, and what you could find on your journey down the corridor. All you need to do is get moving and Get Mobile with your Mobile.
In the menu to your right, you will find the Waterfront Redevelopment Project that is currently in the process of building a fun and active public space for residents and visitors. The summer of 2020 is full of exciting change on the Recreation Corridor. The city will introduce Rotary Park and all the recreational amenities the park has to offer. Rotary park is being constructed at the old Lincoln Street Docks area, and next to the Welland Skate Board and BMX Park.
Below, you will find where the Welland Recreation Corridor signage is located on the map. If there are any other landmarks you feel would benefit from new signage, let us know by pinning the location on the map and telling us why you feel this is a worthwhile place to add more interactive QR Code signage.
OR, feel free to take a selfie or photo of you and whoever you're with while being active on the Recreation Corridor and post it on the map. We want to know where you hike, run, ride, skate, and play.
Me on the GO Photos
Come explore the Welland Recreation Corridor (WRC) with your friends, family, or alone.
This is where you let us know where you like to run, play, or simply relax on the Recreation Corridor. Drag a (HEART)marker on the map to your favourite place and upload a selfie or photo of you and your friends/family having fun on the Corridor.
click on the map to locate eight designated landmarks that offer QR Code signage. Explore the map and discover interesting places to visit on the Welland Recreation Corridor. You can also suggest places where QR Code signage should be added. Simply drag a marker to the place you feel more signage should be added and tell us why it would benefit users on the WRC. Once you've discovered the WRC here in the digital world, come to the WRC in person and discover the adventure.