City on the Move - Transportation Master Plan Study
The City of Welland has completed a Draft Transportation Master Plan (TMP) report. The TMP study was initiated to provide a comprehensive long term planning document to provide the City with conclusions and recommendations for future projects, studies and policies from now until the year 2051 in response to expected growth in both residential and employment populations.
The TMP study was coordinated with Welland's Official Plan Update, influencing transportation-related components such as road classifications, revised road cross-sections, and a refined road hierarchy.
The Draft TMP report concluded that the City’s transportation network is robust and will be able to accommodate the anticipated future growth and travel demands into 2051 with minor enhancements including:
- Modified traffic control (traffic signals, roundabouts, PXO, etc.)
- Localized intersection lane additions and/or enhancements
- Sidewalk and cycling connectivity with new development areas
- Infilling gaps in the existing cycling and sidewalk network
- Protecting for future roadway linkages
In addition, the Draft TMP report includes recommendations for future projects, studies and policies. All TMP recommendations were prioritized based on their identifications as a short-term (prior to 2031), medium- term (2031-2036), or long-term need (beyond 2036). A full list of recommendations and implementation timelines can be found in Table ES-1 of the Draft TMP Executive Summary.
Next Steps - Study Completion and Draft TMP Review
The study has been conducted in accordance with the requirements of Master Plan Approach #1 of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (October 2000, amended in 2007, 2011 and 2015), which is an approved process under the Environmental Assessment Act. The Draft Transportation Master Plan report is available for viewing on this site. The report will remain posted for a 30 calendar day period commencing on February 13, 2025, and ending on March 16, 2025.
Anyone with concerns related to the study may submit comments, concerns or request a Section 16 Order within the 30 calendar day review period. Additional instructions are provided in the Notice of Completion which is available for viewing on this site.
Public Information Centre #1
Public Information Centre #1 was held on Wednesday, February 1st , 2023. The presentation slides and summary report are available for viewing on this site.
Public Information Centre #2
Public Information Centre #2 was held on Wednesday, November 29th, 2023. The presentation slides and summary report are available for viewing on this site.
City of Welland Map