Welcome back to What's Up, Welland?

We're back for a fourth season, and we're looking forward to really digging into the municipal process this year. Focusing on engagement, policy, procedures, and more, this season will be primarily all about what's happening inside City Hall and how it affects the community. Join us as we move through Welland in season 4 and uncover what you've been missing.

This is where we'll upload new episodes of What's Up, Welland?, and you can listen to us wherever you listen to your favourite podcasts.

Episode 43: That's a wrap!

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Episode 42: What is the most common job amongst spiders? Web designer.(External link)

Episode 41: What does the finance staff say when they are leaving? Calc-u-later.(External link)

Episode 40: When a blaze of questions about new fire invoices ignites, the experts are ready to answer that firestorm.(External link)

Episode 39: Why was the koala hired? Because it had all the necessary koalafications.(External link)

Episode 38: Lest We Forget(External link)

Episode 37.5: Post-election Breakdown: Special 2022 Municipal Election Edition(External link)

Episode 37: Someone complimented my parking today. They left a little note that said "parking fine".(External link)

Episode 36: How did the gardener perfect their flower beds? Through a process of trowel and error.(External link)

Episode 35: If you ever got locked out of your house, talk to your lock calmly. Communication is the key.(External link)

Episode 34: Where does the library keep the books about Big Foot? In the large print section.(External link)

Episode 33: How do firefighters go to school? They stop, drop, and enrol.(External link)

Episode 32.5: Proxy Voting: Special 2022 Municipal Election Edition(External link).

Episode 32: From cruelty and pain grows our opportunity and responsibility to acknowledge, learn, and do better(External link)

Episode 31.5: Polling Locations: Special 2022 Municipal Election Edition(External link)

Episode 31: Getting charged up for development charges(External link)

Episode 30.5: Voter Cards: Special 2022 Municipal Election Edition.(External link)

Episode 30: What do you call a band of berries practicing music? A jam session.(External link)

Episode 29.5: Election Employment: Special 2022 Municipal Election Edition.(External link)

Episode 29: Which circus performers can see well in the dark? Acro-bats.(External link)

Episode 28: What did the thirsty weatherman say to his intern? I need my thermos, stat!(External link)

Episode 27: Meeting you where you are and deconstructing the stigmas around harm reduction(External link)

Episode 26: Partners in hope and comfort. Compassionate support for good days, difficult days, and last days.(External link)

Episode 25: Why did the scarecrow get the job? He was outstanding in his field.(External link)

Episode 24: Why can fruit not get married at City Hall? Because they cantaloupe.(External link)

Episode 23: How do you identify a dogwood tree? By its bark!(External link)

Episode 22: Canada Summer Games. Once, and for all. Coming together in celebration of youth, sport, culture, and community.(External link)

Episode 21: It's raining cats and dogs. That's fine as long as it doesn't reindeer.(External link)

Episode 20: Self-care over shame and stigma. Any time is the right time for a mental health checkup.(External link)

Episode 19: Why did the fish refuse to play basketball? They were afraid of the net.(External link)

Episode 18.5: Councillor Role Expectations: Special 2022 Municipal Election Edition(External link)

Episode 18: What kind of jacket do you wear on a walk? A trail-blazer.(External link)

Episode 17.5: Third Party Advertising: Special 2022 Municipal Election Edition(External link)

Episode 17: How do artists get around? Quite easel-y.(External link)

Episode 16.5: Candidate Information: Special 2022 Municipal Election Edition(External link)

Episode 16: What do you call two trains crossing a road? A bad city planner.(External link)

Episode 15.5: Elections 101: Special 2022 Municipal Election Edition(External link)

Episode 15: What should you do when a firefighter offers you two ways to leave a house? Always choose the ladder!(External link)

Episode 14: Why pick one colour when you could have the entire rainbow? Proud this month and every other month.(External link)

Episode 13: What do you call a polite person who is responsible for infrastructure projects? A civil engineer.(External link)

Episode 12: “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. – Wayne Gretzky – Michael Scott – Steve Zorbas(External link)

Episode 11: Why is a baseball stadium the coolest place to be? Because it’s full of fans.(External link)

Episode 10: Want to hear a joke about a paper business? Never mind it’s tearable.(External link)

Episode 9: I asked the librarian if she knew the author of a dinosaur book. She said try Sarah Topps.(External link)

Episode 8: What do you call a potato who heads downtown to cause trouble? An agi-tater.(External link)

Episode 7: I hopped on a bus earlier today. After a while, the driver told me to sit down like everyone else.(External link)

Episode 6: It's all fun and games until someone calls HR.(External link)

Episode 5: What did the sink say to the tap? You're a real drip.(External link)

Episode 4: My parents sent me to mime camp one summer. I still can't talk about it.(External link)

Episode 3: Here’s to strong women: May we know them. May we be them. May we raise them.(External link)

Episode 2: My optometrist decided to run for Mayor. He's a real visionary.(External link)

Episode 1: What the heck are we doing?

Episode 56: That’s all (for now) folks

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Episode 55: What’s a vegetable’s favourite kind of joke? A corny one.(External link)

Episode 54.5: College Drop-In with Jackie Frail and Erin Wilkie(External link)

Episode 54: Bringing clarity to the 2024 budget(External link)

Episode 53: Say what you see. Learn how to support someone who may be struggling.(External link)

Episode 52: Lest We Forget(External link)

Episode 51: Honouring the Indigenous veterans who answered the call to serve(External link)

Episode 50: A 100th episode milestone(External link)

Episode 49: Coming together as a community to feed those in need(External link)

Episode 48.5: College Drop-In with Samah Sabra(External link)

Episode 48: An inclusive workforce is possible when we’re ready, willing, and able(External link)

Episode 47: Always proud to highlight our allies against abuse(External link)

Episode 46: Why are sheep good at fire prevention? Because cooking safety starts with ewe.(External link)

Episode 45: The champs live here!(External link)

Episode 44.5: College Drop-In with Sarah Pennisi and Steve Kosh(External link)

Episode 44: Strong Mayor Powers: What you Need to Know(External link)

Episode 43: What happened to the plant in math class? It grew square roots.(External link)

Episode 42: If you don't know, now you AMO(External link)

Episode 41: Sharing what’s needed to build strong families(External link)

Episode 40: When education and experience meet, students have stories worth sharing(External link)

Episode 39.5: College Drop-In with Neil Wilkinson(External link)

Episode 39: Two trails diverged in a wood ... and we're connecting them(External link)

Episode 38.5: College Drop-In with Sean Kennedy(External link)

Episode 38: How do you organize a space party? You planet.(External link)

Episode 37: Recreational Canal Safety Plan: What you Need to Know(External link)

Episode 36: Fireworks Safety: What you Need to Know(External link)

Episode 35: What did the baseball glove say to the ball? Catch ya later!(External link)

Episode 34: Are you looking for a great book on cliffhangers? Have a look for…(External link)

Episode 33: Setting out to serve our community with passion and purpose(External link)

Episode 32: How do electrical engineers greet one another? Watt’s up?(External link)

Episode 31: What’s a sheep’s favorite game to play? Baa-dminton.(External link)

Episode 30: Why did the library book go to the doctor? It needed to be checked out(External link).

Episode 29: What’s an avocado’s favourite music? Guac ‘n’ roll.(External link)

Episode 28: Supporting an Indigenous student community with teachings, guidance, and leadership(External link)

Episode 27: Why wasn’t the pumpkin allowed to swim? There was no life gourd on duty.(External link)

Episode 26: No use for negative connotations. Recognizing human beings in need and helping them 100 per cent.(External link)

Episode 25: Proud to be allies in awareness and advocates for acceptance(External link)

Episode 24: Love My Park: What you Need to Know(External link)

Episode 23: A new name, a new logo, and the commitment to grow a community without abuse(External link)

Episode 22: Engaging a community and serving meals, programs, and services in the spirit of friendship and inclusivity(External link)

Episode 21: Rolling on a River (House): Pathstone's new home in Welland is full of people happy to give(External link)

Episode 20: Sharing the programs and services that support families and help kids shine(External link)

Episode 19: There are no moot points when talking about being a City Councillor(External link)

Episode 18: What do you call a conversation between garbage cans and recycling bins? Trash talk(External link).

Episode 17: My family wanted me to cut the grass, but I couldn't get myself mow-tivated(External link)

Episode 16: Two hosts, a podcast, and a look at what's happening in Welland(External link)

Episode 15: Pulling back the curtain on planning strategic priorities for a progressive future(External link)

Episode 14: Getting quirky and creative with Welland Fire and Emergency Services safety messages that save lives(External link)

Episode 13: Assisting and empowering our community with hope and compassion(External link)

Episode 12: My family branded me as a failure, then I invented an invisibility cloak. If only they could see me now.(External link)

Episode 11: Celebrating the women guiding our present and shaping our future(External link)

Episode 10: Parting the clouds on what’s happening in Ward 2(External link)

Episode 9: Buildings and Inspections: What you Need to Know(External link)

Episode 8: Welcoming you with Open Arms(External link)

Episode 7: Why don’t mummies go to summer camp? They’re afraid to relax and unwind.(External link)

Episode 6: What do you call an emergency vehicle made out of potatoes? A yambulance(External link).

Episode 5: How many purchasing managers does it take to change a light bulb? It depends where it is in the evaluation process.(External link)

Episode 4: Temporary Emergency Shelter: What you Need to Know(External link)

Episode 3: Why didn't the horse committee accomplish anything? They always voted neigh.(External link)

Episode 2: I think my job interview to be a bug sorter went well. I boxed all the right ticks.(External link)

Episode 1: What is a mayor's favourite food? Mayornnaise.

Episode 50: Wrapping one season and welcoming engagement and ideas for the next one

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Episode 49: Celebrating a significant community milestone and a future filled with hope(External link)

Episode 48: A 200-year anniversary calls for a celebratory conversation(External link)

Episode 47: Budget engagement and what lies ahead(External link)

Episode 46: Healing from trauma starts with safety, security, and support(External link)

Episode 45: Where to go for understanding, information, and options(External link)

Episode 44: The Welland Food Drive is here to feed those in need(External link)

Episode 43: Helping people remain happy in their home(External link)

Episode 42: 2025 Budget: What you Need to Know - Asset Management and Nine-year Capital Plans(External link)

Episode 41: When consideration and community engagement shape council composition(External link)

Episode 40: 2025 Budget: What you Need to Know - Capital Budget(External link)

Episode 39: Vendors and activities that make a market for all seasons(External link)

Episode 38: 2025 Budget: What you Need to Know - Operating Budget(External link)

Episode 37: We’re better together when sharing resources and support(External link)

Episode 36: 2025 Budget: What you Need to Know(External link)

Episode 35: Community, connection, and mentorship that equals a brighter future(External link)

Episode 34: A program to grant services, activities, and community well-being(External link)

Episode 33: Ministers, Ministries, and Mayors at AMO (councillors and staff, too), oh my!(External link)

Episode 32: It’s time to think about active fun for the fall and winter(External link)

Episode 31: Summertime and the living is easy(External link)

Episode 30: What sound do you hear when a dragon sneezes? A fire alarm.(External link)

Episode 29: Fireworks Safety: What you Need to Know(External link)

Episode 28: Engaging the community to plan for Welland’s bright future(External link)

Episode 27: Why can elephants swim whenever they want? They always have trunks.(External link)

Episode 26: Strategically setting the course for our bright future(External link)

Episode 25: Catching up with our partners in conservation(External link)

Episode 24: What mid-year in Welland is all about(External link)

Episode 23: Welcoming Wonders of Welland into the world(External link)

Episode 22: To market, to market to buy fresh and local(External link)

Episode 21: Welcome to where a canal can be a concert venue(External link)

Episode 20: Always a (book) riot with Birchway Niagara(External link)

Episode 19: What do you call a cantaloupe in a pool? A watermelon.(External link)

Episode 18: Downtown revitalization starts with a dynamic plan and community engagement(External link)

Episode 17: Leading by example and putting people first(External link)

Episode 16: Safety starts with a plan for all seasons(External link)

Episode 15: Welcoming a community partner that opens doors and removes barriers(External link)

Episode 14: Celebrating nutrition program volunteers who make every moment matter(External link)

Episode 13: It’s full STEAM ahead for programs and camps for kids(External link)

Episode 12: Spring has sprung along with great sources for information(External link)

Episode 11: Connecting with a crew committed to the community(External link)

Episode 10: What are librarians known to have? The most novel ideas.(External link)

Episode 9: What’s a battery’s favourite fruit? Currants.(External link)

Episode 8: Proudly recognizing the women whose guidance is inspired and inspiring(External link)

Episode 7: Why did the tree go to summer camp? To branch out and make new friends!(External link)

Episode 6: Making education our answer(External link)

Episode 5: Winter Water Safety: What you Need to Know(External link)

Episode 4: Back to chat brunching, bidding, bowling, and so much more(External link)

Episode 3: What do you call a museum about cows? A moo-seum.(External link)

Episode 2: How does a snow plow greet its friends? “Ice to see you!”(External link)

Episode 1: Laying down the gavel and kicking off a New Year