People Plan Survey
To get us started, we have a quick, simple survey for you to fill out. Your feedback will help identify the areas of strength and weakness as we build our People Plan. Your input is appreciated.
We appreciate that some participants may be new employees and not familiar with or aware of what is offered by the City. Additionally, some employees who have been with the City for a while may still not be fully aware of what is offered. When filling out the survey, if you're not sure what's available, please opt for the "neither agree nor disagree" option. The last question of the survey is open-ended and designed for you to share your thoughts. If you're not sure what the City offers, let us know so we can work on ways to better communicate programs, initiatives, and services to you.
The survey below has a series of statements about the various topics. From those statements, we want to know if you feel the City offers what is outlined.