City of Welland Official Plan Update
For more information on the Official Plan Update or to be added to the notification list, please contact Nicolas Aiello, planning supervisor – policy, at 905-735-1700 x2132 or email officialplan@welland.ca
The City of Welland is in the process of updating its Official Plan. As Welland continues to grow and evolve, the Official Plan requires a review and update of its current policies, goals, and objectives.
The Official Plan (OP) is a document that guides both short- and long-term growth and development. Over a period of several months, the City and a team of consultants led by SGL Planning & Design Inc. have worked on updating the OP to ensure that growth in the community is appropriately accommodated in the context of the City’s unique history and character, and in a manner informed by the public and interested parties.
Specifically, the Official Plan Update will look at:
- Strategic directions focused on creating vibrant, healthy communities, addressing climate change, and economic vitality.
- Acknowledgment of First Nations history and treaty lands.
- Updated growth management strategies, including revised population and dwelling forecasts and increased intensification targets to accommodate Welland’s projected growth.
- Emphasis on natural environmental systems, green spaces, and tree protection.
- Integration of art, culture, and design considerations to enhance quality of life.
- Promotion of active transportation and updated infrastructure policies.
- Conforming with provincial and regional policies.
Draft Official Plan
A draft Official Plan has been prepared based on the policy recommendations and feedback received in Phase 2 of the study. To view the draft OP and associated mapping and appendices, please see the documents section on this page or the City’s Official Plan web page.
Should you have any comments regarding the Draft Official Plan, you are invited to submit them in writing in order for the project team to consider the input and feedback in advance of scheduled Fall open house and statutory public meeting. Comments can be sent to Nicolas Aiello, planning supervisor – policy, Planning and Development Services, City of Welland, 60 East Main Street, Welland, Ontario L3B 3X4, or by email to officialplan@welland.ca
Public Engagement
You are invited to attend a Public Open House concerning an update of the Official Plan for the City of Welland.
WHEN: Thursday, September 19, 2024
TIME: 6:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M.
WHERE: Community Room, Welland Civic Square, 60 East Main Street, Welland
The purpose of the Open House is to inform interested parties of the updates the City’s Official Plan as well as provide an opportunity to comment.
Comments may be provided verbally and/or as a written submission. Written comments should be submitted prior to Friday, September, 20, 2024 by regular mail or e-mail to the Planning Supervisor - Policy, Planning and Development Services, City of Welland, 60 East Main Street, Welland, Ontario L3B 3X4, or by email to officialplan@welland.ca
A statutory Public Meeting under the Planning Act is to be held at a future date to present further information and receive public comments. Notice of the statutory Public Meeting will be provided separately.